

The Swampscott Farmers Market is primarily a market for local farms, produce, and locally sourced and crafted foods. We do, however, have a limited number of spaces for craft and arts vendors, with a maximum of 3-4 craft and arts vendors per week.

The Swampscott Farmers’ Market aims to preserve and foster the well-being of our local agricultural system, protect farm open space from being developed, and to educate residents about healthy eating and maintaining a healthy environment while providing a wholesome social experience that helps build our local community.

Every Sunday, starting on June 11th, 2023 through October 10:00am to 1:00pm, the Swampscott Farmers’ Market will be open for business at the Swampscott Town Hall, 22 Monument Avenue, Swampscott, MA.

Rain or shine, the Farmers’ Market will feature a wide variety of produce, meats, fish, breads, flowers and crafts from farmers, food producers, and artisans from around Massachusetts and nearby New England states.The Swampscott Farmers Market will offer residents of Swampscott and the surrounding area a chance to catch up with neighbors and purchase fresh produce directly from local growers. This is our sixth year, we are excited to connect our community to our local producers and grow our vendor involvement over time. The more our community takes advantage of the market, the more successful the market will be in the coming years.  The market is run by a team of passionate community volunteers.  Let us know if you’re interested in joining us!

If you are interested in becoming a vendor, fill out the vendor application form on our Vendor page.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Gearing up for the 2014 season! | Swampscott Farmers Market Blog

  2. You have a wonderful farmers market and such a truly fresh and unique variety of beautiful veggies . and fruit that dribbles as you eat ( yum!) and flowers So vibrant you can’t help but get a bunch of cheer!!! And the ” fresh” you can literally smell it as you parooze the lovely selection of vendors!

    I too believe in many of your farmers markets values and traditions- as I believe… i use only the best in all Things I do -including my art- creations.
    I literally recycle everything I can when creating for example- I’m working on a pendant I just began wrapping- it’s a beautiful piece of turquoise that got dropped at the factory it was labeled ” misshaped” caught my eye- I am a hawc battered woman’s survivor and I believe with faith encouragement and love anything is possible- I take the old and broken- unwanted and discarded jewelry and I bring out the shine! I recreate them beautiful and wanted again quite like I felt when I first came to Salem that’s where the idea came from “recreate – tweak -change- grow- to more beautiful -” that’s what life is to me! Very much like a seed becoming a string vine providing sustenance and yummy fruit to enjoy- the shine!

    Anyway back to my pendant -so I’m using A broken turquoise – I had a stretchy metal bracelet that gave way to 7 different brass flowers everywhere and a single humingbird earring I lost the other- ( I must have a good twenty dozen earrings that are now alone – “singlets”) I secure the design use my craft super strong glue and start to design ( I’m self taught wrapper so each piece is different they create in my fingers- I like this piece a delicate hummingbird sits at the edge of the now alive flower and greets the necktar- its lovely- all pieces are one of a kind so ask me! I’ll create any icustom piece just for you- if you have outdated jewelry a grandma or aunt left ( not your style-) I’ll make it yours!
    i just got an email saying to come tomorrow and sell!!! Happy!
    You will love my treasures- hand- created pendants – earrings- antique recreated ( I’ve rescued many a glorious broken antique pieces – brought back to life!
    My specialty are my handcrafted vintage long skirts- all have sewn with slip- in glorious vintage 1960-70 vibrant colors-
    With jackets shawls to match
    I am the joyful artisan and I can not wait to meet you! I am the only one who carries the most glorious collection of rings – it’s where my name really originated
    Seven gals all meet istva jewelry convention four februaries ago….we sat around a table of yummy food and intoxicatiog wines – a wonderful concept was born- we all carry about 6-12 rings from each of our creations ( the ” joyful artisans” so no matter where we are we are selling eachothers masterpieces! I’m in Russia- California England New York, North Carolina and Savana GA – on our own we could never cover such a market but together we do and we grow better everyday
    I rambled on I’m just so excited –
    I look forward to meeting each and every one of you!
    Until we do! Sweet dreams

    The joyful artisans
    Salem ma

    PS all my creations are very affordable- I like $15-20 price points there is defineatly something for every style –

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